I know. It has been a long time coming, but here it is. Lindsay Lohan. What can I possibly say about this dime bag of dildos, dick, dementia, and Dimeatapp? If you read any other blogs... The title line above her picture of her probably doing a line is normally something like: This Bitch. And that is exactly what needs to be said. First, she captured American hears by playing a double role in the beautiful childrens comedy - The Parent Trap. Like any family friendly movie it has it all. A bitter divorce that drives the opposing parties towards opposite continents because of their bitter rage with one another. The breaking up of a family and splitting two children that once shared a small, yet decorative British vagina, and then possessing a picture of their father and mother that had been ripped in half much like the sofa ripped apart by chainsaw in the bitter divorce battle. Yeah, pass the motherfucking popcorn and TiVo Maury. Cause this shit gets good.
Now that she has done most of the pure Colombian cocaine in the greater Hollywood area... She became bored with that and decided to drink and drive a couple few times. And don't judge people... Like you haven't? Meanwhile, she then decides - hey! Lets go to rehab! ...A couple few times. To make matters worse, she had a Movie called: Some Flaming Piano Teacher Cut Mah Shit Off and Somehow it is Fucking With Some Stripper Bitch That is Also My Twin. You see how her career then just became full circle? It's called irony folks. The one movie premise that starts your career can also act like your back alley abortionist to end it.
Enter carpet munching. Now she has decided to go off of the D. With this, it created a long retarded media blitz. Really? So now she's a lesbian. Fine sure. Whatever. Next week she will be a fucking troll and we will have to refer to her as Goddess Messiah Little-taint McBigTWAT. Lindsay, everyone is over it. Go away. Don't return. No one likes you. You know its bad when ever your lesser-known lesbian poon licker is fed up with you. Now I never really want to talk about this talentless hack again. Her or the flat crotch she rode in on.
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