So the other day I was reading how Jay Leno is planning on giving a few free shows to the citizens of Detroit. Detroit apparently is very high on the unemployment scale, so Jay decided to let the people laugh or whatever. What a slap in the fucking face. I mean first we have to watch him yip and talk about 'headlines' for years - since he has left his late night show he's going to tell "jokes" to help the economy...? Before I go apeshit (on mah batshit) Let me collect my thoughts, and by that I mean crack open a tall, cool Bud Light.
I'm back... and refreshed. Now, Back to Leno. And I know what you are thinking... No cleaver name? No. Why? The guy has the most unfortunate chin on planet earth. Just imagine what type of injustices would occur should he decide to become morbidly obese and get one of those double chins? People would have to look at it. Though, I imagine the chin is probably tired of his mouth and is probably in the pre-planning stages of succession from the face altogether. Someone let me know if you see a maliciously deformed chin down by Fort Sumter carrying a hand gun.
Anyway, my problem is that this is not helping anything. He is giving away free tickets. OK so he understands the problem with the economy... well maybe not. In order to fix this shit, people have to spend money. It's just not setting a good example. Oh they cannot afford it? Please. How much could that guy charge to see his ass? If he wanted to do a service for the city of Detroit... Start by popping the lock on that massive garage and try selling some of those fucking cars you have acquired over the years. Not all of them, just the ones that were made in Detroit. Then pay the unemployed population the money not to come and see your dumbass show.
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