Always the sucker for alliteration... Anyway -
Perhaps I walked in thinking it would be another great from Judd Apatow or perhaps I thought I was going to see a funny movie, because FUNNY was in the title... OR perhaps the term "dramedy" was not in the shit trailer...
Look, I typically am no authority on movies. I mean, White Chicks is one of my favorite films EVER. But sir's and ma'am's - I fucking know comedy, even if I am laughing by myself.
The story premise had the best of intentions. A handful of rising comedians, a veteran (Sandler) and promises of Sarah Silverman telling jokes related to the crotch. OH, and a personal favorite... Leslie Mann!
I got about 40 whole minutes before asking myself, "Is this shit ever going to pick up - or should I just go ahead and pour me another mimosa without pressing that temperamental pause button?" I did, and then watched the rest in its entirety (bringing bottle of choice Andre with).
The story does not really get off the ground as quickly as most viewers would expect. Like, Sandler takes forever to cock-slap Leslie Mann. Typically I would not mind this if the story was entertaining from the get-go, but this was like driving behind an Ohio tourist on Labor Day without A/C and a cassette tape featuring Milli Vanilli stuck on "Girl You Know It's True."
Sandler in the film seems like he is 400 years old. I guess I can no longer really be expecting another Waterboy or some other cinematic genius, but what I can expect is for him to at least act like he is not on self prescribed Lithium from a Canadian pharmacy. He is playing the role of a sick person, but it mirrors the same character in Spanglish. Even featuring a tap dancing Mexican leprechaun troll tranny in this movie would have not made it any better.
Look, I'm not going to spoil it for you - that is wiki's / IMDB's job. But it does have an ending. A stupid fucking ending, but an ending none the less. I finally got to stop watching and take my usual Sunday afternoon bubble bath featuring pirated episodes from American Dad. One day I may get electrocuted, but as some readers know - my hair looks like that on any morning rolling of someones sofa.
Everyone have a great Sunday Funday. And remember, dental dams are not just a suggestion.
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